Nouhad's favorite 22 photos of the year

Nouhad spent the year 2022 photographing a trip to Lebanon, homecoming at Anderson University, a couple weddings, and a historic season with the women’s soccer team at AU, among other projects! Lebanon, Nouhad’s birthplace and sentimental home, is still grappling with challenges which continue to burden its people, yet, they persevere despite the misery surrounding them. Their perseverance, and that of his family in Beirut, is an inspiration to Nouhad’s work. AU Women’s Soccer (AUWS) made it to the semi-final championship in their conference for the first time in over 20 years, marking their greatest season yet! Some photos are action-packed! And some are just mundane, which reminds us to find life’s beauty in its pauses. So from it all, here are 22 of Nouhad’s favorite photos!

*Some photos are without captions as, at the time of this blog’s original posting, Nouhad was in a hurry to leave for work. Captions will be updated!

This is Olivier, seen here smoking a hand-rolled cigarette; he is a French artist and guitar maker who lives in Beirut, Lebanon. His dream is to travel to America, “the home of the guitar,” he called it, and play in a guitar band. He suffered a brain injury from the tragic Beirut explosion of August 4, 2020, leaving him with unfortunate challenges to his mental and physical wellbeing. After the explosion, he quit his passion for painting but continues to make guitars, nonetheless.

Senior midfielder Taylor Baker (left) preparing for her debut as a goalkeeper in the final minutes against Manchester University. Before stepping onto the field, Baker takes advice from freshman goalkeeper Adrienne Weyers (right), who shows her how to hold a shot using the “W” catching method.

Lebanese soldiers standing guard at a Beirut political rally for the Free Patriotic Movement, a moderate-conservative movement which is characterized by its pro-Christian, pro-state, and dovish politics.

A young pianist pausing between worship songs, while playing for his church in Beirut, Lebanon.

Freshman defender Julia Drier exiting play against Manchester University.

Sophomore midfielder Holly Garrett juggling for her portrait at her team’s “media day” photo shoot.

Nouhad E. Melki II